Barcode Prices

This page shows the barcode prices for our most common barcode products.

Barcode Numbers (barcode prices include barcode images, barcode registration & guarantee)

Quantity Price per Barcode (buy barcodes here)
1 £26 each
2 £25 each
3-4 £24 each
5 + £20 each
10 £17.50 each
15 £16 each
20 £13 each
30 £11 each
40 £10 each
50 £9 each
75 £8 each
100+ £4.95 each
150 + Please contact us.

Barcode Images

Images for EAN-13 (or UPC-A) barcode numbers not purchased from our company

Also, for other types of barcodes: ISBN or ISSN barcodes (books & magazines), QR Codes, ITF-14 Carton Codes (GTIN/TUN), Code 128 and Code 39.

Quantity Price per image (buy images here)
1 £15.00
2 £12.50 each
3 £10.00 each
4 + £8.00 each


Images for EAN-13 (or UPC-A) barcode number purchased from our company

Quantity Price per image
1 + £3.00
5 + £2.50 each
10 + £2.00 each
20+ £1.50 each
30 + £ 1.00 each


Barcode Registration

this is included in the barcode packages but can be purchased if you have an ISBN or have purchased barcodes through another company

Quantity Price per Barcode
1 + £ 15.00 each
5 + £ 13.00each
10 + £ 11.00 each
20 + £ 10.00 each
30 + £ 8.00 each
50 + £ 7.00 each


Buy barcodes



“Hi David, Thanks for your prompt response, and for sending on the barcodes- it’s much appreciated!” Kirsty G

“Great, many thanks David. I know a few other companies who would be interested in your services, so I will spread the word. The fees with companies like GS1 are so excessive. Thanks for offering this service and wishing you a Merry Christmas.” Jason S

Barcode Prices – Barcode1 UK




Look here for CD barcodes, DVD barcodes, ISBN book barcodes and ISSN magazine barcodes.